Hustle, routines & the in-betweens: Fiona Kolade
For the first instalment of this blog series I reached out to a friend.
As an entrepreneur, she is someone who I definitely admire and gain inspiration from, and as a person she is pure gold.
Please read, comment and share, and I hope you take something from this.
With Love,
MS: Tell me more about your hustle, I know you to be an Entrepreneur and a Blogger, in your own words, what exactly do you do? What sparked your transition from the finance sector to going out on your own?
FK: Love it! The question that still has my aunties and uncles saying 'huh!'. In a nutshell, I'm a Social Media Entrepreneur which comprises of being a Social Media Blogger, Freelance Social Media Consultant and Digital Products Creator. When all is said and done everything I do points an arrow back to Social Media.
In terms of my transition out of Finance, to be honest at the core Finance was never truly for me, though I'm so unbelievably grateful for my experience whilst in the industry.
I was raised (as a fellow Nigerian I'm sure you can relate), to only consider a few career paths, and having loved Maths and the concept of making money, the Finance route seemed the natural choice.
It wasn't until I got my first full time job in Finance, the pay was sweet, I was travelling and clocking the air-miles, that I realised that my fulfilment tank was at an all time low, despite what was considered by family and friends as the ultimate path to career success, I was just so unhappy.
I stayed in my job at the time for 3.5 years because I didn't want to make any premature and solely emotion based decisions, and then in 2015 I called it a day and decided to give full time blogging a try.
MS: As a Wife, Mother, an Entrepreneur and Woman, in no particular order, how do you balance everything?
Being organised is important to you, that's clearly why you designed the ‘smash your goals planner’, do you have any other structures that you’ve placed in your life which help you navigate business and life in general?
FK: Balance for me now means doing less and achieving more, which boils down to three things, weekly SMART goal setting, priority management, and systems.
I set 3 SMART business goals every week and tackle them in order of priority, any activity that isn't related to them is put on the back burner, and in terms of systems, this is where doing less yet achieving more comes in.
Whilst I work harder than I probably ever have, I have systems in place that help me work more efficiently, which means it doesn't take me as long as it did in the earlier days to see the results that I want to see.
I'm a sucker for systems! I have a weekly and monthly goal tracking system for business and family related things, as well as a marketing and promo system and content creation system. My goal tracking system includes financials so that's pretty much everything that's important covered.
On the whole I also follow a weekly time management schedule, nothing complex, just a calendar that I use to ensure I'm factoring in time for all of the important things in my life, including time to relax! It's available as a free download on my blog.
[The In-Betweens]
FK: It's hard!!!! All I want to do is work!!! I've only just learned to cherish the evenings and that most if not all things can wait till the next day. If I'm totally honest I'd chose time with Mr K over work any-day, because I've already learned the hard way how work can affect your relationship if you don't make time for it.
Besides, time spent with loved ones just can't be matched, it should be valued and cherished at all times. Did I mention I also lose a lot of weight when I work too much because I forget to eat? Yep there's that too, not a good look so I'm strict with my working hours now!
[Morning Rituals/Nighttime routines]
[Parting words]
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